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Our Fight Against Gates & Barriers & Humps
Sunday, 25 April 2004
Sarita Vihar C Block Gate Opened by Police & MCD Forcibly
Report to Delhi Police Commissioner :
This is to report to you that as a consequence of the directions of the Hon'able Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court on the above PIL, your representatives from DCP Traffic(South) Mr Mallick and the SHO Sarita Vihar had visited me along with the representatives of MCD on 16 April 2004 to appraise me of the actions they had taken in this matter. I am given to understand that Mr H Dutt was forced to open the gate on Sarita Vihar C block Main street leading to B Block market on 15 April 2004. The fact of the opening of the gate was confirmed on ground and the gate continues to remain open till this day.

Finally, after nearly 2 years and 5 months( the gate and internal barriers were illegally and forcibly closed, chained and locked by Mr H Dutt on 30 November 2001), finally the law enforcement has caught up with the offender(s) and the gate was forced open as it was declared against the law (particularly IPC 431 and DMC Act 320(1) ).
In view of the fact that the offence is cognizable, the criminal law may be set in motion by recording the FIR, investigating the offence and preparing a charge sheet of those found prima facie guilty of committing the offence on the basis of my FIR filed with the Sarita Vihar Police Station on 20 December 2001 and many other FIRs filed by many other citizens in the matter on various occassions. In the interests of justice, this is imperative or else it will be a mockery of Criminal Procedure Code and IPC, the enforcement of which you are statutorily empowered by the law of the land.
Failure to do so will further result in violation of the IPC 217 (Public servant disobeying directions of the law with intent to save person from punishment) and IPC 218 (Public servant framing incorrect record or writing with intent to save person from punishment ). Failure in this matter will be injustice to the members of the law abiding public including me who silently sufferred the criminal offence and will not bring in closure to the matter. It is much better to admit the mistake and correct it, belated it may be, rather than breaking the law further to save an offender from punishment.

No one is above law and let the law take its course.

Posted by sosdelhi at 7:38 AM
Updated: Sunday, 25 April 2004 7:51 AM
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